How Many Types Of Newspaper And Print Media Ads

Many people mind how they book their ads in newspaper advertising . They are confused about which newspaper is best for their matter. So this blog will help you to book your ads.please read carefully. This blog published by hariomad. Hariom is one of the best newspaper advertising and print media agencies in India. Types Of Ads Classified Ads :- Classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge. Classified advertisements are much cheaper than larger display advertisements used by businesses. Notice Ads :- Notice ads are legal ads. Place notice ads in any newspapers in India at the lowest rates via Bookadsnow, an authorized ad booking agency. You can also book legal public notice ads. Recruitment ads :- A company logo, a job title, a shortlist of requirements and that's pretty much it. But som...